Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Debbie Tails #4T - My Trip to the Beach!

Cape Henlopen, Delaware
 Last Sunday we drove from Germantown, MD to Cape Henlopen, Delaware.  The day trip was, in part, a reward for my hard work and successful training.  I've worked hard on greetings, manners in the car, loose leash walking, and listening.

From Germantown, I settled in for a long drive.  As we drove over the Bay Bridge, the windows were put down a bit for me to smell the fresh air and great smells.  Soon we were at Cape Henlopen State Park and then....sandy paws!

I'm people-centric so it's no surprise that at first I walked towards the people.  Then to my delight, I bounced and ran happily as I frolicked with the sea gulls overhead.  I climbed on the breaker rocks, watched the fishermen, romped in the sand, and pounced in the surf.  

The dog beach, called Herring Point, will forever be known to us as "T-Bone Beach".  Numerous times I was redirected from a T-Bone Steak bone that was left over from someone's dinner.  I just couldn't resist and grabbed the bone.  At first I listened when I heard "drop!" and dropped a piece of the bone but in the end the "stakes" weren't high enough and the bone was devoured.

Such a beautiful place!  Such a wonderful day!

My first few moments on the beach
Feeling Good!

Exploring the breaker rocks
Watching the fishermen and 4 wheel drive vehicles.

Chasing my shadow!
I could barely keep my eyes open on the way home.

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